CDD Blog

Migrating legacy biological and chemical data into the CDD Vault

Written by Admin | Aug 7, 2012 7:00:00 AM

How CDD helps to get SAR data organized and into the CDD Vault

From the desk of Sylvia Ernst, CDD Sr. Director Community Growth

If you have an old drug discovery informatics system and it is full with data – but the system is not well maintained or supported any more or too expensive for your budget, then you have a good reason to get new data management software.

You may however be really concerned about the change because you don’t know what to expect. Will your data be represented as they are now? Will your workflows be broken or still work? So with all that in mind, perhaps you are dragging your feet on the decision.

Time to “penetrate your fear”.

Dragging your feet on outdated software and processes is not just risky for your legacy data (what if the system breaks or the organization supporting it takes a turn for the worse?) but also risky for any new data getting into that antiquated system.

Among all the software out there to change to we of course recommend the CDD Vault. There is nothing better we believe and we will help you with your data migration too. Here is how.

  • The Technology
    The CDD Vault features a data import wizard which makes data importing easy. Re-useable templates streamline uploading data from many diverse Excel sheets. The import wizard understands standard formats like csv, sdf, SMILES, InChi, etc. and even IUPAC names. In most cases you will be able to extract data from your old system in one of those formats. We have the means and tools to help you get those into the CDD Vault. This is an easy way into a squeaky clean and fresh new modern drug discovery software environment.
  • The CDD technical staff
    We don’t leave you all alone with your data migration. Our technical staff previously has helped hundreds of our customers migrate their drug discovery legacy data from their existing software or from “Excel chaos” into the CDD Vault. We do have tools, expertise and will help you as part of getting you set up.
  • Additional services
    For very tough cases we can offer advanced, special services where our experts can help you with pre-processing and automation using a variety of scripting and engineering approaches and if no technical approaches help we can even manually help with the most tedious data projects.

In a nutshell – if your data problem really is that scary and hard, then you have an especially good reason to switch over to the CDD Vault. Don’t stick with a just barely tolerable status quo, contact us.

This blog is authored by members of the CDD Vault community. CDD Vault is a hosted drug discovery informatics platform that securely manages both private and external biological and chemical data. It provides core functionality including chemical registration, structure activity relationship, chemical inventory, and electronic lab notebook capabilities!

CDD Vault: Drug Discovery Informatics your whole project team will embrace!