ASINEX and Collaborative Drug Discovery (CDD), Inc. have formed a collaboration showcasing ASINEX high value compound libraries via the CDD Community Database. The first high value set offered is the ASINEX Lead Generation Library with additional libraries to follow. ASINEX and CDD have created special screening sets tailored to the specific needs of (and now available via the CDD Database to any) academic researchers. The combined information is being made available to the general public via CDD for the first time at
Mark Parisi, the Executive Director at ASINEX stated, "CDD has an impressive group of collaborators and ASINEX looks forward to helping this group with its early drug discovery efforts."
Barry Bunin, the President of CDD commented, "This begins a qualitatively different phase of the CDD platform by bringing quality industry products and services to the growing community -- and vice-versa."
Every compound uploaded from ASINEX can be viewed within the context of your own private, secure data for scaffold jumping via substructure or Tanimoto similarity search within the merged data for lead identification and optimization. The main premise is for new screens, fewer compounds of higher quality are often required. This means more different scaffolds with fewer compounds per scaffold for greater coverage of novel chemical space (novel IP) without creating compounds so lipophilic that they violate the more traditional rule of 5 (which ASINEX has further refined to a rule of 4.5).
CDD has included other complementary data sets including a list of FDA/Ophran approved drugs courtesy of Dr. Christopher Lipinski, a set of known aggregators likely to cause false positives courtesy of Dr. Brian Shoichet, a set of toxicity profiles on known compounds courtesy of Dr. Sean Ekins, and numerous sets of Malaria and Tuberculosis SAR data which can now be compared with commercial compounds from ASINEX in personal, secure private groups.
From a purely economical perspective, a strong argument can be made that it makes sense to screen fewer, high-quality compounds resulting in higher quality leads at lower overall cost. ASINEX has a strong reputation for quality, especially in Europe. This collaboration with CDD will help bring awareness of these compounds to academic laboratories and smaller startup companies who require a more cost-effective mechanism for collaborative drug discovery.
About ASINEX: With more than a fourteen year history, ASINEX is a world leader in supplying compound libraries, focused libraries, custom libraries, and building blocks for early drug discovery. ASINEX also has a growing list of partners who have decided to utilize its computational, custom synthesis, and biology services for lead optimization projects. The company has a total of 151 chemists (54 Ph.D.), 9 computational chemists (7 Ph.D.) and 38 biologists / biochemists (24 Ph.D.). For more info please contact:
ASINEX Corporation
Mark Parisi
Executive Director
Toll Free Tel.: 1-877-ASINEX1 (1-877-274-6391)
About CDD: CDD is the world's first platform for selectively sharing collaborative drug discovery data. Scientists working with the CDD community platform can pool their research in order to more effectively develop new drug candidates for commercial and humanitarian markets. Conceived in 2003, and formally launched in 2004, Collaborative Drug Discovery (CDD) has been serving the collaborative data needs of researchers for years. The CDD global community includes hundreds of scientists from leading research foundations, academia and industry. A subset of the data is available openly to the public at no cost. For more information, please visit or contact:
Collaborative Drug Discovery, Inc. (CDD, Inc.)
Barry Bunin, PhD
Tel: (650) 204-3084
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