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    July 8, 2021

    CDD Presenting at Workshop on Synergizing Biomedical Ontologies, July 14-16, 2021


    CDD Presenting at Workshop on Synergizing Biomedical Ontologies

    July 14-16, 2021 • Virtual


    Ontologies are standardized, formal vocabularies developed by domain experts, typically in collaboration with ontologists. In the era of big data and AI, they enable finding, accessing, interoperating and reusing datasets and other digital research objects, in other words, making data F.A.I.R. The goal of this meeting is to stimulate conversation around the best practices for synergizing ontologies, with an emphasis on collaborative development and dynamic workflows.

    CDD is proud to be a co-organizer of the meeting with two presentations on the agenda. On July 15 at 3:20 ET, Dr. Samantha Jeschonek, Product Manager at CDD, will be delivering the talk "BioHarmony Annotator: Perspectives from the Data FAIRy Initiative". On July 16 at 12:20 ET, Dr. Whitney Smith, Director of Business Development, will speak on "Collaborative Drug Discovery - Supporting the Future of FAIR Data Management". Please join us!

    Interested in featuring CDD's innovative technologies in a talk or poster session at your conference? Contact us


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