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    February 27, 2016

    CDD Vault Update: Introducing New Inventory for CDD Vault

    Have you ever gone to the storage freezer to get a stock compound, only to discover that the vial is empty? Assuming you found the vial at all? Or have you spent the afternoon trying to track down a compound, wondering to yourself if there's an app for that? And if you work in the lab, you know how reagents tend to migrate between desks, and vanish in the fume hoods. CDD has developed a new inventory tracking application to slow down this entropy,  and it is fully integrated with CDD Vault! CDD_Inventory Your dedicated staff certainly appreciate that accurate inventory management depends on the diligent entry of data, so search no more – with the newly built CDD inventory, tracking becomes a 2-click process, making user compliance a snap. Whether you're updating dozens of compounds or reagents in the stockroom, microtiter plates, or just updating one reagent manually before taking it to your bench, the steps are familiar and easy to follow. There are two ways to do it. Bulk Updates Upload a spreadsheet with debit amounts or new storage locations. Map the fields, and CDD Inventory will record the updates and calculate the amount remaining. Individual Entries You can record debits and location changes directly on the batches tab of your molecule. CDD_Inventory_Manual Inventory for CDD Vault will complete the rest, and it will provide you with a full inventory log that automatically tracks amounts remaining, date and time stamps, user name, and current location. Sign up for Inventory

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