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    April 3, 2013

    CDD Vault Update: Prêt à importer

    Prêt à importer

    Have you ever tried to start an import, only to find the vault locked by another user’s import? Well, no more! Now your vault is always ready to import!

    Map And Queue Imports At Any Time

    You can now map and queue imports at any time, regardless of other imports in progress.


    Concurrent Imports

    You can now have multiple imports executing at the same time in your Vault.
    • Readouts (protocol data) only imports may be processed concurrently.
    • Only one Molecule and/or batch (aka Chemistry) import can be processed at once to prevent import conflicts. (You can still map and queue other ones)
    To improve the import experience for you and other vault members, select the appropriate import type on the second import step:


    Your list of queued files will appear in the yellow bar throughout the application, letting you know the import stage and queue position relative to all other imports in progress.


    Click on the file status to see more detail or sign up to receive an email when your file is ready for review. The uploaded files list of the “Import data” tab also shows an import queue that includes all your files plus chemistry imports from other users to inform you when the vault is in a locked state.


    Temporary Passwords No More

    We have updated the account activation and password reset procedures. New users and password resets will receive an activation link at their designated e-mail address. For your security, the link will expire after 24 hours but you can request another one at any time by visiting the reset password page. This change eliminates the need to automatically disable accounts that did not change their temporary passwords. Automatic account disabling is still possible but needs to be explicitly set by the vault administrator on the Manage Vault/Settings tab. There, the vault admin can designate the time-period of user inactivity before their account is disabled.

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