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    February 28, 2013

    CDD Vault Update: Readouts-Only Data Import and an API Update

    This release introduces a “readouts-only” import option which allows more actions to be performed concurrently in your Vault. The new API gains numerous features in this release with v1.1, and we introduce API extensions for Excel, Pipeline Pilot, and KNIME.

    Readouts-Only Import


    If you are only adding readouts (biology data), choosing this option on Step 2 of the import process ensures better data validation and allows other users to continue creating and editing molecules and batches while the import is in process. The “readouts-only” setting limits mapping options to:
    • Molecule name or synonym
    • Batch name
    • Designated unique batch identifiers (such as External ID)
    • Plate/well identifiers
    • Readouts (protocol data)
    Other mapping modes remain unchanged, and users may choose to import chemical and biological data together in a single import by selecting the “update” mode. You are able to register screening plates in “readouts-only” mode, but molecule or batch registration is not permitted.

    API v1.1

    Version 1.1 of the CDD API provides fine-grained read access to individual objects (e.g., molecules, batches, protocols) and collections of objects. It does not include any operations for creating or updating objects (that will be in a forthcoming release). Objects are exported in JSON format. See the full API documentation for all the details.

    API Extensions

    CDD is developing API client interfaces, available as part of the enterprise-level CDD Vault solution. Extensions will enable connection via the API to popular analysis, and visualization applications, including:
    Please contact info@collaborativedrug.com to learn how to obtain the API with extensions.

    Password security

    To help you follow best practices, we have increased our minimum acceptable password strength. We will not automatically reset passwords for any existing accounts, but vault administrators that wish to enforce the new password requirements can do so by contacting us. New passwords must be:
    • at least 8 characters,
    • contain at least two of the following: mixed case (upper- and lowercase letters), numbers and special characters,
    Special characters include (intentionally in no particular order):
    ^ # % - & } ) > ; " : ? ] { ~ | * ` # ! = _ ' ( . [ / $ + @ , <
    These requirements should be considered a basic minimum, and we encourage you to use longer and more complex passwords. See the guidelines for more advice.

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