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    March 30, 2012

    CDD Vault Update: Spring Cleaning Release #1

    Instead of adding the next major feature, we're pausing for a moment to polish the existing application and implement your most commonly requested small changes. This is the first in a series of releases intended to make your day-to-day experience with CDD more enjoyable.

    Dose-Response: Better axes and labels

    • X-axis labels now show concentration instead of log10 of concentration, while the plot itself remains linear-log.
    • Y-axis range for normalized data is now -25% to +125%.

    File Export: No more timeouts!

    Your latest export now remains available for download for 3 days, even if your CDD session times out. To download, log back in and look for the green status bar at the top of any page.

    Plate Heat Maps: Improved color-coding

    CDD will now use the values of your positive and negative controls to create heat maps that are more meaningful and easier to compare. If controls are available on each plate, those will be used, otherwise the controls for the run are used. If a run lacks positive and negative controls, we will base the coloring on z-score for each plate, as before.
    Heat Map Legend
    A legend next to the heat maps explains the coloring used when there are controls:


    • White is the negative control average (per plate or per run).
    • Red is the positive control average (per plate or per run).
    • Blue to white range represents values that are below the negative control. For example these samples could be activating compounds in an inhibition assay.
    • White to red range represents values that fall between the negative and positive controls.
    • Red to black range represents values that fall above the positive control. For example these could be compounds that are more potent than the positive control, or could indicate that the assay is performing badly, with inconsistent positive control results.
    or for z-score based coloring (which should be self-explanatory):


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