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    August 5, 2013

    Science in the 21st Century!

    Welcome to Science in the 21st Century!

    Less Time – Less Money – Less Staff - More Complexity – Bigger Problems – Trickier Solutions – Fewer Funding Sources – Tighter Deadlines…  The solution to this litany of concerns is also the new paradigm for science - the distributed future – a world where collaboration rules and access to and distribution of IP can be selectively managed for greater productivity.

    Working with other scientist is not a new idea.  It has existed ever since two inquiring minds shared a spark. The digital age has elevated the opportunity to work together to a level that is potentially unlimited. Collaborating with labs from across the hallway to the other side of the world is a 3 second secure login away. The interplay between branches of science is no longer restricted but is now enhanced by the differences.   New solutions are available for the interplay in public, private, commercial and academic settings, extending through a variety of scientific disciplines.  The effectiveness of the collaboration paradigm has been proven, what remains is the broad adoption of this new method for routinely accelerating productivity in the quieter corners of the scientific community.

    For some taking the plunge into collaborative research is a bit like that first ever leap into the pool at summer camp – scary with so many “unknowns” and “what ifs” then you notice how much fun the other kids are having.  Once you have taken the plunge into the new wave of working with other labs you will laugh at why you did not leap in sooner!  Your productivity will increase, new opportunities will appear, data gathering and analysis will be simplified and results of your data can be selectively shared as you deem appropriate.  Collaboration is the future. The sooner you embrace collaborative technologies the further ahead your work will be through collaboration.

    This blog is authored by members of the CDD Vault community. CDD Vault is a hosted drug discovery informatics platform that securely manages both private and external biological and chemical data. It provides core functionality including chemical registration, structure activity relationship, chemical inventory, and electronic lab notebook capabilities!

    CDD Vault: Drug Discovery Informatics your whole project team will embrace!

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