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    October 22, 2013

    WIIFY Part 5 - Modern Drug Discovery Tools for Startup, Small Biotech, or Academics

    What's in it for you as a technician in a budget sensitive startup or academic laboratory, where you are running the experiments, generating the data, and perhaps even maintaining the instruments.

    Your lab is an intellectual (perhaps self-righteously so) place, but you are the one who actually does the final experiments that generate the screening data.   You need a way to get a handle on all the data, without all the data headaches.   It may be a rare high-throughput experiment once in a blue moon, in which case it is important to have intuitive ways to deal with the rare occurrence.

    In this case, the CDD Vault’s super intuitive interface is a blessing from above.  Or, if your lab is routinely running high or medium throughput experiments, you need methods to routinely handle the data.  You need to automate the more potentially tedious mandatory data manipulations.  Some folks, including you, want to know which experiments worked “as advertised” this time (either for reproducibility or for when scaling beyond what you’ve previously done).  Folks in the trenches like you are relieved to have CDD Vault’s registration and bioactivity data QC and analysis tools integrated right into your workflows.

    CDD Vault Import Interface

    The data analysis capabilities in the CDD Vault identify one-off and systematic errors.   If desired you can check and fix errors created by machines or humans, either when running the experiments or manipulating the data.   The CDD Vault "data slurper" conveniently checks every row and column of every file for consistency before accepting data uploads into the database.   If there are specific errors, you can identify the exact rows or cells with the anomaly.   You can accept all the rest of the values to the database, download any mistakes, and fix just those errors on the fly.  What might have taken hours or even days to sort out, is self-selected and identified in seconds and brought to your attention at the best possible moment (before accepting the data into your final database).

    Download the full article below:

    Download WIIFY

    This blog is authored by members of the CDD Vault community. CDD Vault is a hosted drug discovery informatics platform that securely manages both private and external biological and chemical data. It provides core functionality including chemical registration, structure activity relationship, chemical inventory, and electronic lab notebook capabilities!

    CDD Vault: Drug Discovery Informatics your whole project team will embrace!

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