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    December 9, 2023

    CDD Vault Update (December 2023): New API Parameters for GET Plot, GET Readout_Rows and GET Runs

    You can now use the API to return plots of specific runs, retrieve control information for readouts, and refine readout retrieval by specifying runs or run dates.

    New Parameter for GET Plot API Endpoint

    There is a new runs parameter on the GET Plot API endpoint that will allow you to send a list of specific Run ids and receive dose-response plots for these specified Runs.

    GET .../vaults/<vaultid>/batches/<batchid>/protocols/<protocolid>/plot

    With JSON like this:





    Will display 2 plots for the specified Batch, each from 2 separate Run dates.

    New Parameters for GET Readout_Rows API Endpoint

    The GET readout_rows API call already supports a Molecules parameter for retrieving readout data for specific Molecules. A new Batches parameter is now available for pulling back all data for a specific set of Batches using the internal Batch ID.

    This API call:

    GET .../vaults/<vault_id>/readout_rows

    ... using this JSON:





    ... returns readout data from the specified set of Protocol(s), but only for the Batch(es) listed.

    Another new parameter, include_control_state, is now available for the GET readout_rows API call. This parameter helps identify which wells on a plate are positive or negative controls, or a reference molecule.

    This API call:

    GET .../vaults/<vault_id>/readout_rows

    ... using this JSON:






    ... returns readout data from a specified set of Protocol(s) for the Run(s) listed and includes the positive, negative and reference control designations.

    The control states returned are:

    • "control_state": "#"
    • "control_state": "+"
    • "control_state": "-"

    Note: the "#" value indicates a Reference well.

    New Parameters for GET Runs API Endpoint

    New parameters on the GET Runs API call now include:

    • slurp
      • Specify a Slurp ID to return only the Runs created by a specified Slurp (Import)
    • run_date_before
      • Returns Runs with Run Dates BEFORE the specified date
    • run_date_after
      • Returns Runs with Run Dates AFTER the specified date
    • protocols
      • Returns Runs associated with a list of Protocols

    Note: also included are the standard index page parameters: data_sets, projects, only_ids, created_after, created_before, modified_after, modified_before, async, page_size, offset

    This API call:

    GET .../vaults/4493/runs

    ... using this JSON:





    ... will return only data for Run Dates between the 2 dates specified.

    Also, this API call:

    GET .../vaults/4493/runs

    ... using this JSON:




    ... will return only data for Run(s) created by the specified Slurp/Import.

    This blog is authored by members of the CDD Vault community. CDD Vault is a hosted drug discovery informatics platform that securely manages both private and external biological and chemical data. It provides core functionality including chemical registrationdata visualization, inventory, and electronic lab notebook capabilities.


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